ICDDA 2016 Workshop Programı

2016 Conferences & Workshops

Conferences language: English

October 12, 2016 – Morning session

Jean-Baptiste Pomar, Manfred Scheiring, Manfred Zwarning, Matt Chang

10:50 – 11:20

TRIGO: An insight on the global aerospace supply chain challenges and how competitive pressure is calling for new quality management solutions

Speaker: Jean-Baptiste POMAR, International Manager for the Aerospace Business Line

We all know that the aerospace supply chain has entered a new era. With the constant increase of manufacturing quantities from major Air framers, new cabin designs, overhauls shortage of production resources and cost pressure, it is clear that the whole supply chain is facing a quality level challenge. Certainly, there are standard procedures, quality management answers, supply chain working groups and improved standards; however, we would like to take the opportunity of these new challenges to slightly reconsider our standard practices and habits. Could incoming inspection be the best and most cost efficient approach to quality control between a supplier and a customer? What if we suppress this stage from the process and downsize quality control? How do we replace it? We all know that quality control strategies are based on defaults rates, PPM and escape monitoring, but if we use other criteria’s, such as a total cost of ownership, would it bring the same course of actions? And in such way, what is the real impact of production transfer? This conference tries to bridge all aspects of product quality policies and bring clues and hints on how to deploy innovative solution to work on total improvement all along the supply chain. Quality is free, only bad product costs money…


11:25 – 11:55

SMP GmbH: Airborne Satellite Communications – luxury or affordable technology?

Speakers: Manfred SCHEIRING, CEO and Manfred ZWARNIG, Director Business Development

In this workshop, smp aviation (Satcom Marketing & Project Management GmbH), will introduce to you the latest technology leap in L-Band satellite communications. We will show you that airborne satellite communications - when using the correct network - is an affordable and powerful tool to help you cover your communications needs. smp aviation is a company with more than two decades of experience, specialized in providing security and security related solutions to organizations, such as armed forces, police, civil protection, coast guard, search & rescue, VIP’s, business executives and many others. Applications such as ISR, Search & Rescue, Tele Engineering, Tele Medicine, Fishery Monitoring, Border Patrol, Contraband Monitoring, Office in the Sky and many more are now powerful assets and can support your operations with affordable, reliable real time information from the sky. smp aviation provides a way of keeping in touch, beyond line-of-sight, no matter where your mission takes you! Take off….with smp aviation!


12:00 – 12:30

ASIA PACIFIC ELITE CORP.: General Company review , 5 axis machining with gantry type CNC Machines at aerospace industry. Capability and performance.

Speaker : Matt CHANG, Technical/manufacture department manager

October 12, 2016 – Afternoon session

Ali Hakan, Safak Tarik Chaib

14:05 – 15:10

BOEING: Doing business with Boeing

Speaker: Boeing Executive

14:40 – 15:10

MKE: General Company View and Supply Chain

Speaker: Ali HAKAN SAFAK, Business Development Project Coordinator

15:15 – 15:45

TEI: Manufacturing Technologies and Supply Chain changement d’horaire avec HAB qui passe le 13 après-midi (voir ci-dessous) + Mettre sa photo

Speaker: Turgut CICEK, Quality and Manifacturing Engineering Director

15:50 – 16:20

DASSAULT SYSTEMES: General Company View

Speaker: Tarik CHAIB, CATIA WW Electrical & Fluidic Center of Excellence Director

October 13, 2016 – Morning session

Thomas Chatel Serat Melik

09:40 – 10:10

GIFAS: Outlook of the French aerospace and Defense Industry

Speaker: Thomas CHATEL, Senior Manager in charge of Europe, Russia/CIS, Turkey

10:15 – 11:20

TUBITAK: Horizon2020 & Horizon2020 Dedicated TÜBİTAK Support and Award Programmes

Speaker: Hakan KARATAS, Head of International Cooperation

CLEAN SKY 2: Aeronautics Funding Opportunities in Horizon2020 Programme

Speaker: Serhat MELIK, Clean Sky 2 JITI Country Representative

October 13, 2016 – Afternoon session

Ibrahim Keskiner

14:05 – 14:35

HAB: Ankara Aerospace Organized Industry Zone

Speaker: Ibrahim KESKINER, Regional Manager of Ankara Uzay Havacilik Ihtisas Organize Sanayi Bölgesi

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